30 Seconds

What value is there in having a political debate and limiting responses to 30 seconds?

I’d rather have candidates talk about one or two issues and talk for five minutes and really explain their thoughts than feel pressured to fit everything into 30 seconds (which moderators seem to selectively enforce anyway…).

One thought on “30 Seconds”

  1. Hi,
    I stumbled across your blog while looking for information on the difference between American Psycho and Glamorama. I enjoyed reading your post on meeting Brett Easton Ellis. I recently read an article that I think you might enjoy. Rather than waste time trying to describe it, the title speaks loudly: “The Numbing of the American Mind: Culture as Anesthetic.” Do you have a preferred e-mail address to receive the article? Here’s my favorite paragraph from it:

    “The irony is that after we have worked really hard on something urgent for a long time, we do escape numbness for a while-stepping out of the building, noticing the breeze, the cracks in the sidewalk, the stillness of things in the shop window. During those accidental and transitional moments, we actually get the feeling of the real we were so frantically pursuing when we were busy. But we soon get restless. We can’t take the input reduction. Our psychic metabolism craves more. “

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