Plata Beta Testing

Before submitting Plata to the App Store, I’m looking for people to help test it in order to uncover bugs/issues that I didn’t find and to receive additional feedback for future versions of the app. All you need to test is an iOS device (iPhone preferred — the app isn’t enhanced for iPads [yet]) and an app called TestFlight that Apple uses to handle beta testing (instructions to install that below).

Sign up to Beta Test

If you would like to beta test Plata, fill out the Plata Beta Sign-Up form.

Once you’ve been added to the beta, you will receive an email from “TestFlight” with instructions on how to install the beta version of Plata.

I invite anyone to try it out! You don’t need to agree to file bugs or do anything technical to test this out.

What to test?

  • Do the numbers and information for locations you are familiar with (where you currently live, where you grew up, where you have family, etc.) look correct?
  • Does anything in the app “feel weird” from a user interface perspective?
  • Is the information clear and easy to understand?

I’d also love other feedback such as:

  • What is your favorite section/feature?
  • What would you love to see in Plata in the future (I have a huge ongoing list of things to potentially add, but would love to hear what folks using the app want)?
  • What creative/interesting ways are you using the app?

Installing TestFlight

TestFlight is the name of the app/service that Apple has created to allow developers to test their apps without putting the app on the App Store. Testing Plata requires FlightTest.

If the link to install TestFlight from the initial email doesn’t work:

  1. On your iPhone, open the App Store
  2. Search for “testflight”
  3. Install the Apple TestFlight app (“Beta testing made simple”)

Screenshot of TestFlight from App Store

You can then open Plata via TestFlight or the way you would any other app (i.e. adding it to your Home screen or searching for it).

If you have any issues installing TestFlight or Plata, email

Giving Feedback

If you run into some weird data or a bug, it’s very helpful to have the coordinates for the location.

To get those from within Plata:

  1. Press and hold on the coordinates at the top of the screen
  2. Select “Copy” and paste these into your feedback

There are two ways to send feedback:

  1. Send an email to
  2. Open the TestFlight app and click the “Send Beta Feedback” link (which also gives you the option of sending a screenshot — which is great to include)

Screenshot showing where to send feedback from TestFlight


Here are the recent changes/updates to Plata:

v0.5 build 5

  • Adjusted comparison bar color (from blue to variant of Plata’s main color)
  • Fixed bug where Census returned -666,666,666 as a result (resolved by changing value to 0 — still not good data but not as distracting/broken)
  • Added logic to fall back to a “Census Designated Area” before County if the place is not a city in the Geocoder. (Thanks to beta testers who found places that broke the app!)
  • Removed an arrow on the map that appeared to enlarge it (vestigial from a canceled feature)
  • Changed order of Sports teams to reflect league popularity (was originally distance from stadium)
  • Changed Area to show the land area as the main number instead of total area
  • Adjusted welcome/first-run text
  • Attempted to fix Facebook app links but couldn’t find a solution so fell back on opening in browser
  • Adjusted padding on error symbol to look cleaner
  • Redesigned launch screen

v0.5 build 4

  • Fixed search bar focus
  • Adjusted the label font to be easier to read
  • Demographics:
    • Switched back to gradient bars instead of color bars
    • Fixed issues with Hispanic/Latino representation

v0.5 build 2

  • Added colors to bars/charts
  • Added welcome/first run

v0.5 build 1

  • Geocoder city fallback fixes
  • Notification if in an error where geocodoer cannot determine city
  • Updated census APIs to use most recent info (2022 instead of 2019)
  • Added sports details
  • Added info text to details page of each module that includes source attribution
  • Removed Housing section

I have a full-time job now!!! So that means less time to work on Plata. This will likely be the last beta before I release it on the App Store. So please stress test it and let me know what issues you find.

Potential known issues:

  • If you switch areas too quickly the old results will display before switching to the new ones
  • Elevation seems to be having a lot of API issues lately — I may remove it
  • Climate results error out more often than I wish

What I’ve added since the last release (a lot of stuff!):

  • added basic info details
  • added population details
  • added area details (might remove/change this — I don’t love the look)
  • added demographics section & demographic details
  • adjusted jobs section (work in progress)
  • added housing details
  • added climate details and info
  • removed state laws
  • added loading animations

I have a bunch of ideas on how to improve the app (including new data ideas and how to make things more reliable). But for now those will have to wait until I can see how interested people are in the app once it’s on the App Store and how much free time I have to tinker around.

Thanks to everyone who has tested and given feedback so far!!! I have a huge list of stuff to work on. The primary focus of this release is the new “detailed information” pages that I’ve added for a few sources of information. I’ll be adding this to as many modules as possible.

V0.2.0 build 2

  • Fixes some sports teams issues