Idea for Flash Season 3, Arrow Season 5, Supergirl Season 2

So I just watched the DC Animated Universe original movie The Flashpoint Paradox and it gave me an awesome (I think) idea for what the Arrow/Flash/and even Supergirl TV shows can do for their next season. Here’s the trailer for the animated film:

So at the end of Flash season 2, Barry goes back in time and saves his mother. This is the same thing that causes the Flashpoint Paradox story. What if the television show universe does the same thing. On Arrow, Oliver is darker. The world has changed. Maybe his dad or mom are still alive and Thea is dead or something? They could bring back Black Canary, too, and reset the “Olicity” relationship. The previous season was sort of a dud in my eyes and this could reset things. The finale ended with “Team Arrow” sort of disbanding anyway. Likewise on Flash they could follow the comic a little more and have Cisco and Caitlin reprise their evil roles as Reverb and Killer Frost, respectively. Considering they are moving Supergirl from CBS for the next season, maybe this Flashpoint could be an interesting way to reset that show, as well.

As for DC Legends of Tomorrow (which I also enjoy), considering it’s about time travel I figure it would be cool if it mentioned the Flashpoint but I wouldn’t be as disappointed if it wasn’t a major part of the story — though the fact that John Wesley Shipp, who played The Flash in the series from the 1990s is supposedly joining the cast as Jay Garrick could make for an awesome aspect to the Flashpoint storyline.

Either way, I loved Flashpoint Paradox and am really curious/excited to see how the TV show tackles this storyline. But considering how connected Flash and Arrow are, I would be disappointed if the Flash season finale only affected Flash/i>.

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